March 2014

You Tell Me…

In my recent public comments, I’ve been referring to the current phase of the bull market as the “acceptance phase” – in which it is widely acknowledged that we are in a bull market and bull market behavior begins to be felt outside of the markets themselves. See: Everything is Awesome for a visceral take…

Chart o’ the Day: What’s working this year

Savita Subramanian’s latest note offers “A PM’s Guide to Stockpicking”, in which the Equity and Quant Strategy team at BAML lays out the best and worst performing stocks by style factor since the start of the year. As we’ve discussed here a bunch, the worm has turned and high growth, high beta, cyclical names are…

Rule Number One: Don’t Blow Up

“I want all the gains of the hottest stocks, none of the losses of a general market decline, I want the ability to override your decisions if they look to be wrong and I want a running commentary from you about what you’re buying and selling every step of the way so that I can play along at home. Also, I’ll be logging into my account hourly from a mobile phone and checking you versus the benchmark nightly.”

The Return of Unrest (did it ever leave?)

via Eric Peters: Guns & Butter: The only thing more difficult than controlling millions of people, is controlling a billion. Heaven forbid they’re poor. Unemployed. Their stomachs empty, growling. So when nations start fighting, smart leaders start hoarding. Anyhow, in the past 30days, non-edible commodities fell; oil -1%, natural gas -3%, copper -10%. But wheat surged…

“I” Shares

BRICs… Russia is a geopolitical basket case – foreign investors don’t know if their investments in the country are on the brink of being nationalized. Putin plays Russian Roulette with five out of six chambers loaded, he just might be insane enough to crash his own economy to prove a point to the world. The…

Is Success Inherited or Learned?

In my 37 years of life, I have come to agree with the premise of the below brilliant infographic: There are two routes to success. It comes easy to those whom were borne of it, they already know how to get along and they’re surrounded by positive role models and key connections their whole lives. But…