The Wall Street Consensus, Fall 2013

In this weekend’s Barron’s we get a panoramic view of what ten top Wall Street strategists are thinking about now until year-end. Here’s Vito Racanelli: Barron’s recently checked in with 10 Street seers, whose consensus view is that the S&P will reach 1700 by year-end, 4% above Friday’s close. If these prognosticators are right, the…

361 Capital Weekly Research Briefing

361 Capital portfolio manager, Blaine Rollins, CFA, previously manager of the Janus Fund, writes a weekly update looking back on major moves, macro-trends and economic data points. The 361 Capital Weekly Research Briefing summarizes the latest market news along with some interesting facts and a touch of humor. 361 Capital is a provider of alternative…

The Forward Earnings Outlook with Brian Gilmartin

Brian Gilmartin, CFA, is the founder and portfolio manager at Trinity Asset Management, Inc. Brian’s been managing money for high net worth individuals, and foundations since 1995. Trinity uses a bottom-up, top-down approach for client portfolios. Per ThomsonReuters, “This Week in Earnings”, the forward 4-quarter earnings estimate for the SP 500 fell $0.15 last week…

Investor, Know Thyself

Edward Johnson, the legendary founder of Fidelity Investments, once said the following: “The market is like a beautiful woman – endlessly complex, always changing, always mystifying. I have been absorbed and immersed since 1924 and I know this is no science. It is an art. Now, we have computers and all sorts of statistics, but…

The Mystery of Apple and Gold – SOLVED

The excellent blogger at Charts Etc seems to be puzzled by the below riddle: In perusing over charts this weekend, I came across this relationship. Since April of last year, AAPL and GLD have been generally moving together directionally. The correlation coefficient over this time period is 0.71, very high. I show this chart with tongue…

Labor is Losing

Sorry, but here’s the truth via Tim Fernholz at Quartz: Monday is Labor Day in the United States, the holiday that celebrates the economic contributions of workers. Measured as a share of the national economy, though, that contribution is less than anytime since 1947. Josh here – the other side of this coin is that…