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Hot Links: According to Internet Math…

Stuff I’m Reading this Morning… Highest conviction hedge fund exposure by asset class.  (ZeroHedge) Jobless Claims drop for fifth straight week.  (USAToday) Someone gave JPMorgan the idea that America was interested in social engagement with it. What a solipsistic bubble of ignorance these people have constructed for themselves to live in.  (Bloomberg) and (BusinessInsider) Five…

Hot Links: Worst of Both Worlds

Stuff I’m Reading this Morning… Investing advice for the average investor from one of history’s most above-average investors – here’s what Ray Dalio thinks you should do:  (TheTell) Everybody’s re-doing their ladders to get shorter:  “Investors yanked $61.8 billion from intermediate-maturity debt funds in the first nine months of the year, while pouring $46.2 billion into…