March 2014

Appearance: Thomson Reuters 2014 Online Financial Services Symposium

This afternoon I’ll be speaking at the Thomson Reuters 2014 Online Financial Services Symposium. I was a panelist at the event in 2012 and had a chance to sit in for a few other speakers. It’s a really gathering of industry practitioners and the people who are driving our industry further on the web. I’ll…


The Professor:  “‘Come to me when you’re all done,’ I tell them. ‘When you’ve already seen everything else fail and everyone you’ve given your money to lets you down. When you’ve figured it out, then! Then you come to me.’ I have learned to be explicit up front about what I will accept and what…

Chart o’ the Day: The Annotated Biotech Breakdown

I would say it’s too soon to tell whether or not last Friday’s breakdown for the biotech index will be meaningful or not. Bears will note that the IBB (biotech index ETF) probably topped in late February but the market hasn’t “accepted” it yet. They’ll point to declining momentum indicators like Rate Of Change and…

Moooooooooo! The Ag Trade is Back!

Agricultural commodities, on the whole, have been one of the very worst places to be invested over the last three years. Compressed farm incomes, weak demand from emerging markets and a general distaste for anything real asset-related had kept a lid on prices and investors at bay. Not anymore. Food prices are shooting up dramatically…

Yes, Biotech is a Bubble. SFW.

Let’s start here with George Soros, from a speech he delivered in June 2010: “I have developed a rudimentary theory of bubbles along these lines. Every bubble has two components: an underlying trend that prevails in reality and a misconception relating to that trend. When a positive feedback develops between the trend and the misconception,…