Your morning reading, y’all.
"Signs of Unsustainability" in Chinese Real Estate
“Relative to rents, housing prices in Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou are higher than they were in most any American city at the peak of our housing bubble.”
Sunday Hot Links: Let the Treason Begin!
A linkfest.
Lady Gaga's Japanese Android Commercial
Recipe: iPad Bouillabaisse
How to make an iPad, a guide to the tech stocks involved in the stew.
Saturday Night Video: Jay Pharoah is Insanely Funny
An Elegant Solution for Portugal
How to fix a Euro sovereign.
31% of kids 6-12 in the market for electronics are looking for iPads.
Brace Yourself: Here Come the Moronic Shopping Anecdotes
“So-and-so bought this and woke up at such time to get that…”
Miami Hate
Let’s hope their first two weeks are a blueprint for the season.