April 2013

Brown’s Investing Rule #76

Brown’s Investing Rule #76 The fancier the math one uses to justify an entrenched investment opinion, the more obscure and arcane the indicators employed, the more desperate and wrong that person is. We don’t resort to algebraic equations when we’re on the winning side of a trade and confident that we have gotten the broad…

361 Capital Weekly Research Briefing

361 Capital portfolio manager, Blaine Rollins, CFA, previously manager of the Janus Fund, writes a weekly update looking back on major moves, macro-trends and economic data points. The 361 Capital Weekly Research Briefing summarizes the latest market news along with some interesting facts and a touch of humor. 361 Capital is a provider of alternative…

Bloomberg Black: Coming to Disrupt the Financial Disruptors

Oh boy…there is a lot of VC money trapped in web-based money-tracking startups and online wealth whatevers – “We’re going to disrupt the investment advice industry!” – yeah, no you’re not. I know of like twenty of these services off the top of my head. Mostly, they offer the mass affluent a way to keep track of…

Use Hedge Funds for Proven Return Reduction

Research Affiliates runs several funds and portfolios modeled on the premise that only with the “full toolkit” of all 16 major asset classes can investors meet their objectives in what could be a prolonged low-return environment. Given their view that stocks and bonds offer less upside on a go-forward basis than what we’ve seen in…