Buffett and Munger on Short-Selling

My friend Doug Kass was able to put several questions to Warren and Charlie yesterday as the “credentialed bear” at Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholders meeting. One of his questions had to do with short-selling, which Berkshire Hathaway does not do. The exchange below, via Michael De La Merced’s excellent liveblog coverage at DealBook: It’s Mr….

Leon Black is Selling Everything Not Nailed Down

(‘The Scream’ by Edvard Munch, which Leon Black bought at auction last summer for $120 million) I didn’t get a lot of news from the Milken Institute this past week, doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of discussion about finance or markets there anymore. But Randall Forsyth’s Up & Down Wall Street column at Barron’s…

your workspace and your soul

What does your workspace look like? How does it affect your ability to think straight? Is it a cage for you to inhabit or a canvas for you to paint your future on? There is a different ideal for everyone. Two extreme examples: First, let’s think about the walking ball of stress who chains himself…

A Forecast for Pharma Dividend Growth

The healthcare sector, a big overweight in the portfolios we manage, probably needs to take a breather, having outperformed the galaxy in the first part of 2013. But the secular trend in demand for drugs and care looks to be a one-way trade when viewed through the prism of developed-world demography and the rapid adoption…

The New York Yankees have a $100 million disabled list, LOL

Major League Baseball is your Libertarian Paradise come to life – rule by might and by the power to accumulate dollars faster than all rivals. I’m a Yankee fan and even I’m turned off from the sport. To get me back, they’d need to shrink the season to 100 games, shrink the game length to…