Something to be excited about

The Market Meme of the moment is boredom. The strategists are catching Zzzzzzz’s and lamenting the lack of anything to do as stocks grind up with minimal disturbance. Is this is a good thing? Maybe. Maybe not. Yes, I’m familiar with the work of Hyman Minsky and his “Stability is Destabilizing” shtick. And I mostly…

Chart o’ the Day: Dow Components Relative to Highs

My pal Andrew Thrasher does a really fantastic weekly technical rundown every Sunday night at his blog This week, he put up an interesting chart you probably haven’t seen before. Many technicians are torn between the fact that indices have shrugged off the momentum correction beautifully but they are now short-term overbought based on…


Debt ceiling? Insider Selling? Grexit? Shibor? Housing slows? Flash Boys? “Too far, too fast.” Dubai? Taper tantrum? Piketty? IPO bubble? GDP slows? China hard landing? Dr. Copper? Deflation? Egypt? Sequester? Too far, too fast? Boomers rotating to bonds? Death Cross? Presidential cycle? Overdue for a correction? MarketWatch? London Whale? The consumer is tapped out? CAPE…

Horseshoes and Hand Grenades

“Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it.” – Salvador Dali Whoever sold you on the idea that precision or perfection were necessary in investing was probably selling you something else entirely. Because anyone who’s spent enough time in the industry knows that a) precision doesn’t exist in a biological system like a market,…

Cake Bubbles, Art Bubbles, etc.

My favorite anecdotal indicators for economic trends never come from the business pages, always from pop culture and the mainstream. Check out this piece in the New York Times Weddings / Celebration section this weekend: True, the recession forced many couples to downsize their weddings, and economize on glammy cakes. And afterward, some affluent couples…