Microsoft’s “cheapness” is the White Whale that compels all value investors to follow it out to sea, like crazed Captain Ahabs wielding DCF calculations.
Hot Links: Girding for Battle
Your morning financial linkfest, enjoy!
Leonhardt: Recession Odds at 50%
“Over the last 50 years, every time that job growth has been as meager as it has been over the last four months, the economy has been headed toward recession, in a recession or in the immediate aftermath of one.”
First Look: Backstage Wall Street Cover Art
Cover art for my upcoming book.
Insomnia, Gold, and Delusions of Grandeur
I quickly fantasized about being on CNBC. Balding, nervous and sexually cowed by Courtney Reagan… no… by Sylvia Wadhwa.
Kaption Kontest Wednesday: Kocherlakota!
Caption Contest!
Mitt Romney's Jobs Plan
A look at Mitt Romney’s initiatives to grow the economy and the major difference between his plan and Obama’s broken philosophy.
Wilco's Jeff Tweedy Covers Black Eyed Peas
Hot Links: The Tip Off
Your morning finance links, expertly curated.
The History of Big Presidential Speeches on the Economy
There have been only seven speeches about economic and business issues before a joint session of Congress since the end of The Great Depression.