The Day the Music Died, Today in 1959
A very big day for stocks and the economy today for a variety of reasons. The GOP may want to start ginning up all that Obama birth certificate stuff again because if this continues through 2012 he’ll be a tough incumbent to beat. First, the standings as of the 3pm look and the week’s performance…
Caption Contest Friday: Wall Street Tour Guide
Caption Contest!
Long-Term Unemployment by State
A good jobs number but no relief in sight for the “long-term unemployed.”
Throwback: Renee (1995)
New Madonna Video Featuring Nicki Minaj and M.I.A.
Fun With Economic Confidence, State by State Edition
Financial Blosogphere Must-Reads at AdvisorOne
There’s a great introductory piece on the financial blogosphere over at AdvisorOne Magazine that features your boy among other great blogs like Dealbreaker, Big Picture and Abnormal Returns…
Throwback: Throw Ya Gunz (1993)
No One Is Ever Wrong Anymore
I’m beginning to notice a very disturbing trend and I bet you are as well – Nobody is every wrong anymore.