
20 Unpredictions for 2010

You MF’s and your prediction lists have driven me to this… Here are my 20 Unpredictions for 2010, a list of things that ain’t gonna happen next year… 01.  Fox Biz cuts the USA Today/ Human Interest stuff and gears more toward hardcore trading and investing ideas. 02.  Iran drops the pretend nuclear energy program and…

Read This And Then Stab Your Eyeballs Out With a Pick Axe

As the average US citizen drags his wounded semi-corpse of a body across 2009’s finish line, it is heartwarming and life-affirming to know that the bloodsucking lobbyists are raking it in like never before down in Washington D.C. From Politico via the CATO Institute: K Street is raking it in. Washington’s influence industry is on track…

How I Became a "Devil Investor"

I want dividends/ buyouts/ buybacks/ spin-offs/ earnings beats/ guidance raises/ new CEOs/ contracts awarded/ FDA approvals/ tender offers/ mergers/ product launches and more. And I want them NOW. Yesterday, in fact.

Who Will Be Morningstar's CEO of the Year?

Morningstar just posted its nominees for CEO of the Year (2009).  The winner will be announced in mid-January on CNBC… There’s no Dimon or Buffett as both have won in prior years (2002 and 2008 respectively).  I am guessing that Steve Jobs has won already as well, otherwise, he would be a no-brainer… This year,…

Holiday Season Spending Infographic from GOOD

The good folks at GOOD have an infographic look at holiday spending posted with some really interesting facts.  One must take some of this stuff with a grain of salt as 2007 data is the predominant source.  Things were different back then – most of us had a pot to piss in. Happy Holidays 2009,…

A Few Chunks of Goldbug Kryptonite

Hold your hate mail Goldbugs…I don’t make predictions here on anything, nor do I particularly care which way the price goes today or tomorrow.  The recent sell-off in the yellow metal has brought out a ton of bearish sentiment this week, some of which I’ll post here… First up, Doug Kass has a gold call…