The return on SPY in the four-day trading window around OpEx has been negative in 18 times of the 26 months
Current Markets
We may have a liquidity problem
You’re going to learn and laugh and come away with a much better understanding of what’s going on.
Hedging Tail Risk
Welcome to the latest episode of The Compound & Friends, a new podcast from your favorite financial and investing commentators. This week, Michael Batnick, Kris Sidial, Carleton English, and Downtown Josh Brown discuss:
Inflation is Crushing Consumer Confidence
Join Downtown Josh Brown and Michael Batnick for another round of What Are Your Thoughts?
The FOMO Bowl
The crypto brokerages and exchanges rely solely on FOMO to keep people opening accounts and trading at this stage in the game.
Turbulence Ahead – full video now up
Tony Dwyer and his latest charts
Turbulence Ahead
Welcome to the latest episode of The Compound & Friends, a new podcast from your favorite financial and investing commentators. This week, Michael Batnick, Tony Dwyer, and Josh Brown discuss:
A World Without Facebook
Join Downtown Josh Brown and Michael Batnick for another round of What Are Your Thoughts?
Fake Business with Tim Dillon
Special Episode!
The Violence of Re-Rating
Re-Rating is this year’s big buzzword.