Hey guys! Whenever we have an open position at the firm, I prefer to offer it to people who know us and are part of our world first. If you’re a fan of The Compound / Ritholtz Wealth and you’re looking for a new opportunity, we’re growing fast and we need your help. We’re hiring…
Career/Lifestyle Advice
Leadership Wins: American Entrepreneurs
Scott was part of the elite team of Green Berets who were sent behind the lines in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 to link up with our old mujahideen allies and knock the Taliban out
We are Austin-bound June 12th
Come on out and see us.
The Bet
How it went down and where it goes from here.
Why I deactivated my Facebook page
If you’re wondering where it went, now you know.
Revolutionizing Advice – April 19th!
How Top Performing RIAs are Navigating the Industry’s Transformation
The ground is quaking
The ramifications for entrepreneurs in all industries, including mine, are unfathomable.
The Past, Present and Future of Financial Media
It was a lot of fun hanging with my old friend Howard Lindzon on his show this week. Listen above or wherever fine podcasts are played.
The Joke
Here at the dawn of the third act…
Gavin Spitzner is Future Proof
Goodbye, my friend.