I don’t understand it.
Behavioral Finance/Psychology
It’s Directional
The economy is going to roar if this happens.
Valuation since the late 1990’s – win any argument with your friends!
The answer changes depending on the time period
This is the thing the bears hate most
I used to think markets had to make sense over short time horizons.
Ten Rules for Retirement Investing
These are great rules to invest by.
And Now…We Nest!
Get ready for the home remodeling boom.
Why Americans Prefer Real Estate to Stocks
Gallup asks whether respondents prefer real estate to stocks for the long-term and, of course, they do.
How would you change your life if there were only ten years left?
This is one of the three questions George Kinder tells advisors to discuss with their clients
Not Depth…Duration
“How bad is it going to get?”
It doesn’t always have to make sense
Even if you had known this news in advance, you could not have predicted the market reaction.