“The Dow took almost 103 years to reach 10000 in March 1999. Reaching 20000 required nearly 18 years more.”
Joshua M Brown
The Best Financial Advisor Blogs for 2017
The Entire World Breaks Out
My point being, there is something bigger going on here. It may continue.
This is my Dow 20,000 post
This is my Dow 20,000 post. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
The truth about trade
These days, it’s not uncommon to hear two strangers – neither with a clue about what calculations go into GDP or how tariffs work – engaging in spirited arguments about what is best for the economy.
You’re still going to lose
If your financial advisor works at a firm that is actively lobbying against investor protections, I don’t know what to tell you.
Soros: Enter Sandman
“These times are not business as usual.”
QOTD: Nick Colas on the Vix
a lot of the “Trump Trade” nonsense starting to unwind
Barry on where to invest $10,000 now
My partner Barry Ritholtz joins a panel of professional investors for a Bloomberg panel on where to invest $10,000 now…
How You Can #Resist … With Your Portfolio
This post is not going to be political. But…