This morning, CNBC released the first episode of a new series I’m doing for them
Joshua M Brown
? Josh and Michael on taxes, a16z, Netflix for Financial Planning, new S&P 500 highs ?
Downtown Josh Brown and Michael Batnick play their favorite game, What Are Your Thoughts?
Manhattan Residential RE Wrecked
I’m going to whine again about the lack of the SALT deduction…
JOKER trailer hits!
A man and his signals
Once upon a time there was an egotistical man who sold subscriptions to a stock market research product based on the premise that his “signals” could tell people when to buy and sell.
What if you only invested in your 20 best ideas?
These are important concepts and ideas for investors at all skill levels to become familiar with.
The birth of Gmail, today in 2004
Today in 2004…
Everything that happens in one minute on the Internet (2019)
This Week on TRB
These were the most read posts on the site this week, in case you missed it:
The Compound Show mini-podcast
I invented the mini-podcast. All the financial industry and investment-oriented podcasts are an hour long or more. I think that’s because the person whose podcast it is feels bad about asking a guest to come on and then cutting them short. Some podcasts should be an hour – Patrick O’Shaugnhnessy interviewing Michael Mauboussin, for example,…