October 2013

Puerto Rico has Muppets, too.

UBS brokers slamming house product down the throats of their uber-wealthy, tax-hating clients on the island territory of Puerto Rico. Sure, why not… From DealBook: Puerto Rico, a commonwealth of the United States where residents typically pay no federal income tax, is regulated by the S.E.C. While other big banks do business in Puerto Rico,…

Fairly Obvious Manipulation Committee

Fascinating chart from Jerry Khachoyan at The Armo Trader blog. Below (click to embiggen), Jerry show’s how almost every market top and bottom has coincided with an action or announcement from the Federal Reserve or its FOMC…   Source: The Armo Trader

TBP 2013: Fireside Chat with Trading Legend Art Cashin

Of all the events going down at next week’s The Big Picture Conference, the one I’m probably most excited about is the fireside chat with Art Cashin that will be closing the program. Art made mention this morning in his Cashin’s Comments note for UBS: Coming Attractions – Or Maybe A Fair Warning – Next…

Why Most Traders Fail

You can use the terms trader and investor interchangeably on this one… What I like best about the Larry Benedict chapter in Jack Schwager’s Hedge Fund Market Wizards  book is that it opens with a story about repeated failure. Before becoming the uber-successful founder of Banyan Capital Management, Benedict failed and failed repeatedly but kept…