But don’t worry – Greenspan’s bullish. (Bloomberg)
Nothing says bull market madness like a rally in the steakhouse stocks. (iBankCoin)
Small cap growth stocks are expensive now. (Morningstar)
How big has the rush been into dividend ETFs? How about $50 to $80 billion in AUM over the last year? How about stock dividend ETFs are now bigger than US treasury ETFs? (FocusOnFunds)
China goes to war with Starbucks over prices. Communist bastards 😉 (TIME)
LinkedIn is looking to make inroads from your career into the rest of your life. Will you let it? (Wired)
Twitter board members are stoopid-paid, $16 mil in year one, $8 million a year thereafter. (WSJ)
BofA and Morgan Stanley form a Crips-and-Bloods-like truce, vow to stop offering enormous deals to each other’s brokers. Yeah right. (Bloomberg)
Citi on hedge funds: Operational Alpha is not the thing, People Alpha is. (HedgeWeek)
Cassandra: Banks to screw people, people who work at banks do. (CassandraDoesTokyo)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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