“For *&%@’s sake, tax me more already,” says Steven King. (DailyBeast)
David Merkel reviews the Abnormal Returns book. (AlephBlog)
Inside Aubrey McLendon’s Chesapeake Energy hedge fund. (Reuters)
Brian Lund on finding inspiration from near-death experiences. (bclund)
Katie Rosman: Teens and Tweens saying bye bye to Facebook, too many parents around (hmmm, didn’t I predict this?). (WSJ)
New study on M&A: “the National Bureau of Economic Research found that following an acquisition the stock of that company tends to underperform shares of similar companies by 50% for the next three years.” (Fortune)
Here’s that exchange between David Einhorn and management that crushed the stock of Herbalife yesterday. (MarketBeat)
Charlie Gasparino: Obama’s going to nail Blankfein or Fuld by October to win the election. (HuffPo)
LOL, Goldman has a job opening for a social media manager. They need to work on their Squidder accounts and Conflict of Pinterest boards. (Business Insider)
Don’t miss my daily linkfest for financial advisors this morning! (WSJFA)
I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here.
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