That Apple to Natural Gas Ratio's Getting Awfully Stretched

You know my friend JC (All Star Charts)  is a wicked technician, but you might not have known that he’s also hilarious. Today he told me that the all-important Apple-to-Nat-Gas Ratio was getting a bit toppy, here’s the chart he did: And here’s the 20-year: Nicely done.  Contrarians, go for it! Tags: $AAPL $UNG  …

Hot Links: UNG, AT&T and Wal-Mart People

Hot Links for Weekend Reading… Think bankers are in low regard now?  In 16th century Holland, they were banned from the church and treated like pawnbrokers and brothel keepers.  (CreditSlips) Happy bicentennial to Elbridge Gerry, the man who ran the dollar printing presses to pay for the Civil War.  (NYT) Big PR problems for AT&T‘s…