Obama is gonna give finance reform a shot. Great timing.
The Race to Resign: Bernanke vs Geithner
You know it’s just a matter of time before one of these guys walks.
Gobetz: The Volcker Rule Announcement Was a Stunt
The Volcker Rule HAD to come out yesterday? Really?
TRB vs Carney on the Big Bank Tax
Since neither the construction nor the operation of TARP or its sister programs was constitutional to begin with, it is an absurdity to argue that the addition to this program of a new recompensatory feature violates the constitution. This would be like arguing about what color a unicorn’s tail is supposed to be.
Unconvinced by Dimon's "Size is Good" Argument
The Too Big To Fail Tax is a step in the right direction, despite Jamie Dimon’s mostly true defense of big US banks.
Ten Explanations for Why Obama is Still Backing Geithner
Why does Obama continue to defend his Treasury Secretary?
Hot Links: He Was Once a Little Green Ball of Clay…
Great links for weekend reading…
Read This And Then Stab Your Eyeballs Out With a Pick Axe
As the average US citizen drags his wounded semi-corpse of a body across 2009’s finish line, it is heartwarming and life-affirming to know that the bloodsucking lobbyists are raking it in like never before down in Washington D.C. From Politico via the CATO Institute: K Street is raking it in. Washington’s influence industry is on track…
About That Climate Change/ Health Care Sideshow…
As I have repeatedly said, the President’s biggest misstep has been his pursuit of climate change policy and health care reform ahead of financial stability and banking reform. Everything that was broken when he was elected is still broken, millions more have no jobs to go to and yet Obama and friends are still dicking…
Barack and the Bankers
Cartoon by Tom Toles