“But what does this mean for the prospects of Cue Eee?”

You know that awesome Chinese restaurant game where everyone reads their fortune cookie and then adds the phrase “in bed” to the end of it? Like: “You shall be blessed in all that you labor at…IN BED!” or “You are extremely agile and open to trying new and filthy things…IN BED!”  OK, that one wasn’t…

Check it out

Markets are moving higher in risk-on unison after a busy news morning.  A few things to be aware of… The ECB announced its bond buying programme, which will involve OMTs (Outright Monetary Transactions).  Use the Guardian’s liveblog to get up to speed on all the details and reactions here. Also, stateside we got a pleasant…

Draghi Day!

The ECB is about to save the world today. Or maybe it’ll just be like “fuck it, we’ve had a good run. Let’s go back to sticks and stones and roaring bonfires and horns of mead and dragging chicks by their hair into a wooded glen where none but the chipmunks and sparrows can see…

Gift Idea: Wall Street Coloring Book

My friend Ron DeLegge, Host & Producer of The Index Show, is out with his latest, a hilarious coloring book for boys and girls of all ages to enjoy! Ron explained the reason he created this to me as “There’s a bull market in stupidity on Wall Street and this book is my stimulus package…

Scared Money Don’t Make No Money

With apologies to Young Jeezy aka The Snowman, a down-south rapper with an aspirational flow and a sensitivity to all things recession-related, I’m borrowing his elemental truism about Scared Money’s inability to Make No Money so I can make a handful of points today… I came across this story in the business section at USA…

Rahm Emanuel’s Too Big To Fail Lie

Rahm Emanuel, likable and appealing as he seems to be, stood on stage at the DNC and told a huge lie within the first few paragraphs of his speech.  He made it sound as if his former boss didn’t blow the biggest opportunity of all time to remove systemic banking risk from our national nightmare……