Sandy as Stimulus?

I’m of the opinion that four years of writing taxpayer-funded fucking welfare checks and spending trillions on unemployment benefits was the dumbest possible thing on earth when you consider the state of the nation’s crumbling infrastructure and the social benefits inherent in putting people to work rather than keeping them in a perpetual state of…

ain’t found a way to kill me yet…

Greetings from the TRB Mobile Command Center aka my mom’s real estate office’s conference room, which miraculously has power while 80% of Long Island is dark, some 900,000 households and businesses. I took my first shower in three days today, ice cold but a pleasure nonetheless. The kids are eating Starburst and bottled water for…

Wall Street Eats Its Young / Make Them Pay

The following posts originally appeared on 8/10 and 10/22 respectively. They are two parts of a whole idea, a complete thought regarding the current and inevitably worse decline of the Big Firm wealth management hegemony that myself and my colleagues scratch and claw away at daily. Enjoy – JB *** Wall Street Eats Its Young…

An Earnings Early Warning System

I met a few dozen readers out in Los Angeles at an event last Wednesday night, most of them were asset management industry colleagues (and male. Like the bands Primus or Rush, I don’t get many female fans at my “shows”  – sad trombone). But it was awesome, we had a lot of fun and…

If we lose touch…

There’s a storm coming. Analysts are saying all sorts of stupid shit about it for attention (it’s unprecedented!) Read more about that from Alexis Madrigal here: Why Sandy Has Meteorologists Scared in 4 Images (The Atlantic) But I’m not so worried. I live by the water on the south shore of Long Island, the marina…

Steve Jobs, 1983

This is my favorite photo of Steve Jobs. Yes, that’s his middle finger. I love the rebellion and the defiance. I also love the the fact that I know what’s about to happen next… Source: Extremely Silly Photos of Extremely Serious Historical Figures (FlavorWire)

Two Things That Are Never Discussed in the Financial Media

There are two things that are never discussed on the radio, TV or on the websites of the mainstream financial media outlets. It’s ironic because they are two of the most important things for investors to understand: 1. Time Frames 2. Position Sizing I don’t mean that these two concepts are rarely discussed – I…