The suspense is killing me.

Oh just give us the stupid washout already. The one that everyone knows is coming. Write a blog post or a tweet about the imminent correction and everyone retweets you, everyone agrees. The “Correction Camp” is now the world’s largest circlejerk as measured by circumference, according to Guinness. The chief strategist types are all charting…

Wait, the banks are now HOW BIG?

Noted conservative columnist George Will tackled the Too Big To Fail Forever meme in this Washington Post this week. I confess to having lost interest in the topic and in the latest stats. The war is over, we lost, they won. We’ll pay our penalty the next time they blow and burst a superbubble in…

Price Targets are Bullshit.

Do you remember my price target on Apple this past spring? I slapped a target of $2275 on the stock based on translating the A, A, P and L of the ticker symbol into digits from a phone keypad. I was half-kidding. Are you buying and selling stocks based on the daily buy and sell…

John Cleese: How to Stamp Out Creativity

The creative and clever people are going to save us. They always have and always will. John Cleese (of Monty Python fame) gave a talk on the subject of creativity, the full 36-minute video is posted on YouTube. My friend David was kind enough to forward it on to me, I want to highlight the…

leaving the magic intact

This morning, my kids saw a foot of snow outside blanketing everything in sight – and promptly began shouting and celebrating like Italian soccer fans. They’ve not a clue how much work will be involved for their parents…shoveling, making sure there’s a path for the mail carrier without any ice, clearing the driveway so the…