The Economist: Here’s How You Will Probably Die

I know, I know, I linkbaited the shit out of that post title. But I really thought this infographic from The Economist was worth it, so here we are. Anyway, probably no need to worry about meteoroids crashing into earth, the actuarial tables say that’s like a 75 million to 1 shot.  No, save your…

The Healthiest M&A Boom in Decades

Here we go again – another positive development, another full-court press from the naysayers. This time, we’re being treated to a dissertation on why a boom in mergers and acquisitions is some kind of terrible thing that surely means the market, the economy and our lives are utterly and hopelessly fucked. Because businessmen and women…

If this isn’t a rotation, you tell me what you’d like to call it

I’ve spent the last six weeks stabbing too-contrarian-for-their-own-good naysayers in the stomach with a sharpened umbrella over this Great Rotation thing. At this point, to be cranking out blog posts and articles denying its existence is embarrassing enough that I will stop now. But I would like to call your attention to a chart from…

Ari Wald: Here is What Will Trigger the Pullback

One of the more exciting new guys to begin contributing to StockTwits / Twitter of late is Ari Wald, chief of technical strategy at PrinceRidge. In a note from the middle of this week, Ari made an extremely important point about how rallies like this one usually end. It’s a combination of the seasonal cycle…

The New PE Ratio: Price to Ego

I’ve been in the markets a decade and a half and I don’t know what the fuck kind of Wild West dick-measuring contest this thing has turned into… David Einhorn’s latest 13D filing shows that he loaded up on shares of Apple – raising his stake by 50% –  just before bringing a lawsuit demanding…