re: Dividends, You Have It Backwards

The taper talk that began earlier this summer has led to many investors racing away from dividend-paying stocks under the false impression that: a) less QE is means much higher interest rates and b) dividend stocks would underperform thanks to competition from bonds which would now be paying higher yields This line of thinking is…

This Week on TRB

Here were the most read posts on TRB this week, in case you missed them: Notes From Delivering Alpha 2013, Part II Notes From Delivering Alpha 2013, Part IV The Big Backlash The Case for Brazil, the World’s Most Hated Market It was all a dream, I used to read Fortune Magazine

So you’ve been calling for a crash and need an exit plan…

Greg Harmon, a brilliant technician and friend of mine, rarely strays from the chart + commentary formula that’s made his blog so fantastic over the years, but this week he goes on an awesome rant… There are many pundits, strategists and talking heads that are in this situation. I assume that many have been wondering…

Detroit Files for Bankruptcy

Breaking news after the close – Detroit, Michigan has filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy. This has been a long time coming, obviously, and no amount of business-friendly initiatives or financial engineering was going to change that. But still – this is the largest municipal bankruptcy in American history. An estimated 713,000 people reside in the city…