The Never List

Never sell a service or product that you cannot deliver. Never sell a service or product that the buyer doesn’t absolutely need or love. Be essential or desired, not annoying and unnecessary. Never work for someone who isn’t as smart as you are. Or plan your exit the moment you figure out that you have…

Why Breaking Bad is such a gold mine

I missed Breaking Bad the first time around, I’ve been catching up starting with Seasons 1 and 2 this month on my iPad. I prefer watching some shows this way as opposed to waiting for new episodes and fast-forwarding through commercials. Basically, I pay $14 to iTunes for the season and it’s at my fingertips…

What’s Your Return-on-Running-Back?

The JOBS Act (Just Open Bucket Shops) was a hastily cobbled together re-writing of the investor protection rules that is ostensibly meant to somehow “create jobs” but will more likely result in the systematic ass-raping of sub-120 IQ investors who happen to be in possession of a large sum of money. Under JOBS, high-cost hedge funds,…

Okay, now it’s ’99

Okay, now it’s ’99. Am I kidding? I don’t know. It feels that way and yet it doesn’t. Stocks like Facebook and Google are going bananas but they are insanely profitable companies with billions and billions in real business. Priceline isn’t Webvan. isn’t Commerce One. Google just ripped through $1000 this morning, as I…

What did you learn?

Very quick here – the Senate has just approved a bill to someday approve a bill but, in the meantime, the debt ceiling is raised and the latest bullshit manmade crisis is averted. But we already knew that this would be the outcome. I’ve been teaching you this lesson for years now. If this resolution…

Rocket Fuel

Let me set the scene for you: * There is a Debt Deal in the works that removes the ceiling and related draconian cuts from the discussion til at least February. Out of sight, out of mind. * There is no election this fall. * There is no war with Syria and high level talks…