Dr. Pearlman’s Opus

A million years ago (okay, 2009), your favorite financial blogger was toiling away in obscurity on a WordPress blog in the middle of nowhere with only a handful of daily hardcore readers and virtually zero inbound links or recognition from anywhere else. There were big blogs like Barry Ritholtz’s The Big Picture. Yves Smith’s Naked…

361 Capital Weekly Research Briefing

361 Capital portfolio manager, Blaine Rollins, CFA, previously manager of the Janus Fund, writes a weekly update looking back on major moves, macro-trends and economic data points. The 361 Capital Weekly Research Briefing summarizes the latest market news along with some interesting facts and a touch of humor. 361 Capital is a provider of alternative…

Chart o’ the Day: Sector Vix Readings

via Nick Colas at ConvergEx: Has the CBOE VIX Index bottomed for the year?  Even with all its computational and theoretical flaws, plenty of market participants hope that it has. Brokers would like to see if higher volatility might drive better volumes. Hedge funds around the world root for the opportunities that spicier market action…

QOTD: The Merry-Go-Round

My friend Ivanhoff has nailed a very important truth here: “The stock market is not a place, where for one party to win, another has to lose. It is a place, driven by cycles – periods, when almost everyone is a winner followed by periods, when almost everyone is a loser. Everyone could make a lot…

Barry Ritholtz interviews Rob Arnott: Masters In Business, episode 2

Congrats to my friend and partner Barry Ritholtz on the launch of his new show on Bloomberg Radio, Masters In Business! This week his interview with Rob Arnott of Research Affiliates was broadcast live on Bloomberg Radio. The full audio interview is posted below, enjoy! Listen to episode 1, in which Barry interviews Jeff Gundlach, at…

Chart o’ the Day: Omega Advisors vs the S&P 500

The term “Must-Read” gets thrown around a lot on the financial web (mostly by me and my friends, lol) but today’s chart comes from a truly must-read profile of Leon Cooperman by CNBC’s Lawrence Delavingne. Lee Cooperman is one of the greatest investors of all time, having established and led the asset management division at…

Biggie Smalls

Everyone is worried about the divergence between small caps and big caps. Everyone is talking about the split between the Russell 2000 and the S&P 500 as the former currently sports a year-to-date loss of roughly one percent while the latter continues to make new highs and spanks anyone who would dare attempt to call a…