How does Cali match up against Spain in the developed nation non-beauty contest?
Rocks, Paper, Scissor
What will matter more, the rockin’ consumer or the Euro paper troubles?
We're Down, But Don't You Dare Count Us Out (reprise)
Business success is literally woven into the DNA of this country.
Nat Geo's 2010 Photo Contest Submissions
Some gorgeous photos from around the world.
about that turkey's final request…
Celeb Descendants of the Mayflower Map
The mad scientist from Back to the Future and also Sarah Palin can be traced back to the Mayflower.
Giving Thanks
Acknowledgments for the people who make this site possible.
Spoiler Alert: Markets Will Be Dead Today
Morning outlook and some links.
Late Day Linkage: SAC, Auto Stocks, Zombie Bears, Kanye etc.
Catch up here on today’s reading…
The Wired Collection – for that hedgie on your holiday shopping list
What to wear when you might be raided.