It began as a joke between a reporter in the late 70’s. Please don’t invest based on it or cite it in your letter to investors.
Financial Blogging Secrets: Linking
This is the fourth in a five part series in which I’m laying out the secrets to successful financial blogging. There are always exceptions to any rule, but if you follow this stuff you will see that I’m right. This is a long post, but every word counts.
The Weight
What’s weighing this market down today.
Hot Links: News of the World!
Some links.
Stop Everything and Watch Egypt
Unrest in the Middle East portends the eventual liberation of the Arab youth.
Late Links: Hard Landing
Some links to close the day. Sail on.
My 2011 Uranium Trade
Why I’m starting to buy Cameco (CCJ), the Saudi Arabia of Uranium.
Two Clips from Last Night's Fast Money
Davos Mistresses Have it Rough
I found this post on how wives, mistresses and secret mistresses are treated like second class citizens to be absolutely brilliant and hilarious
Nassau County as Cautionary Tale
I’m very proud of my home sweet home today.