What is Mark Zandi Running For?

Here’s the deal with punditry, once you have “one of those names”, it no longer matters whether or not you’re ever right – you continue to get headlines and booked on shows simply because you’re “a name”.

Trade Like Governor Rick Perry

I have a special treat for you guys today.  My friend Dynamic Hedge has written something very gangsta on success and knowledge and the difference between the two.  Instead of posting it in the Mixtape section, I’m putting it right here on TRB home.  There’s some seriously truthy stuff in here, you will love it. …

Jon Huntsman: Tax Smasher

Huntsman was the first GOP candidate to unveil a jobs plan (this morning), which is a step in the right direction in my book as it is the single most important thing we should be talking about in terms of 2012.