All the links you’ll ever need…this morning.
Ten Little-Known Facts About Glencore
Oh, we’re all so terribly hysterical about the forthcoming Glencore IPO. It’s not everyday a super-secretive Swiss trading giant with “android employees” comes public!
As of this writing the major indices are off around 2 percent each…
S&P Comes Out Negative on US Treasurys
Pimco’s Bill Gross was not only Ahead of the Curve this time, he kicked sand in the Curve’s face and stole its girlfriend.
Metals Mania Shifts Into Overdrive
There were 3 investors left in the world who didn’t firmly grasp the concept of the Fed printing and gold being a hedge etc.
Spring Cleaning
This weekend, my iPhone and Macbook Pro double-teamed my new iPad. They were taking turns syncing each other. I wasn’t really involved but they let me watch.
Rough Day for the E*Trade Baby
Sunday Hot Links: Colonel Sanders Must Die
Some weekend links to get you caught up.
Baby Penguin Loves Getting Tickled
The Youngening of Western Leadership
The aging populations of the west are electing younger and younger leaders.