Is Micron a buy for 2019? Buy UPS ahead of earnings? The traders take your questions from CNBC.
Bad Arguments Against Dollar Cost Averaging
“But what about Japan?”
Stay The Course
Remembering John C. Bogle
This Week on TRB
These were the most read posts on the site this week, in case you missed it:
Clips From Today’s Halftime Report
Traders mixed on Piper Jaffray’s restaurant stocks list from CNBC.
Stock Markets and the Rule of Law
The implications for a massive loss of confidence in our rule of law are too terrifying to consider.
A ten percent bounce in the S&P 500, now what?
Video, charts!
Analytics are entertainment. Those who provide analytics while taking themselves very seriously have reached the epitome of market clownsmanship.
Could a falling stock market create its own recession?
The value of Americans’ financial assets—such as stocks, bonds and savings accounts—is at a record relative to the size of the economy
Clips From Today’s Halftime Report
Micron upgraded to outperform at BMO, traders debate the call from CNBC.