This quarter’s letter from GMO’s Jeremy Grantham doesn’t disappoint – I particularly liked the weighty, truthiness of his intro:
Flash PMIs Bash the Open
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Beat Rates, Forward Guidance and other things that aren't helping you right now
The media loves a soundbite – especially an unambiguously positive or negative one. Such and such earnings report “beat the Street” or “gave a weaker than expected outlook” will always do in a pinch – the article/segment practically writes itself. But there is something going on this earnings season that is not so Prêt-à-Porter for…
What If Someone Wrote an Owner's Manual for the Financial Markets?
What if one guy had single-handedly sifted through all of those millions of pieces of market-related contents for seven days a week, six years straight, almost without having missed a single day’s worth of intelligence?
High Beat Rate + Low Expectations = So What?
72% of S&P stocks have “beaten” this earnings season. So what.
Barron's Spring Poll: Bullishness from the Groupthink Olympics
Poll results are in, 52% of money managers bullish.
Saturday Night Video: Baby Kanye
My Bloomberg Rewind Appearance
Clips from Fast Money Today