What are they waiting for?
…and the Spider-Man Layoff Signals the Bottom for Employment
The ultimate contrarian tell?
about those crash test dummies…
Cartoon by Mike Luckovich/ Atlanta Journal-Constitution Tags: $TM
Savitz on the Fall of Palm
Some unanswered questions about the Palm’s failure.
Hot Links: Jumping the Gun
Some killer weekend reads.
Saturday Night Video: Cholo Skate
My new fave jam of the moment…
Uh Oh: Europe is Starting the Old 'Blame The Shorts' Game
Forces behind the scenes are shifting the “story” in Europe to one of short-selling manipulators. Big no-no.
Warren Says Hello To His 65,000 New Shareholders
Warren’s letter to shareholders reads like a freshman orientation course.
The Problem With Problem Loans
Floyd Norris looks at bad loans on banks’ balance sheets.
Record Breaking Price For Rough Diamond…I'll Give You One Guess Who Paid It
Check this rock out. Jeter will probably propose to that Minka chick with it.