Links for all to enjoy.
All About Auto Parts Today
Big upgrades for parts companies this morning due to new fuel economy regs.
Some Thoughts on the Trillion Dollar Afghan Mineral Find
A big mineral deposit was found in one of the worst places on earth. Of course it was.
Happy High Frequency Trading Day!
A major piece on HFT in Institutional Investor magazine.
Fund Flows and You
A public service announcement about interpreting mutual fund inflow and outflow data.
Here's What Your Friends and Neighbors are Worried About…
Begins with a D…
We Can Probably Stop With The Bank Failure Counts
Why are we still counting the fairly unremarkable failed bank stats?
An iPad in Every Pot
No one my age in NYC is unemployed, they are simply entrepreneurs.
Hot Links: Bull Market In Lunch
Some weekend links worthy of your attention.
Felix Zulauf is Mega-Bearish in Barron's June Roundtable
One of the more perspicacious Roundtabler’s has grown very bearish.