More backup for my “Raise Rates Already” diatribe.
Hot Links: Social Media Guru
Links for boys and girls of all ages to enjoy.
Explorer Brown: More Adventures in Africa
Tales from the African retail safari via Bloomberg.
Lunch Links: The 90% Loser Rule
Click Me, I’m a Links Post!
Raise Rates, Cowards
I’m getting sick and tired of hearing about the dollar’s decrepitude and by extension, our own. Man up, Bernanke.
The Bullhorn: Talking Storage Stocks, Amazon, Bank of America and eBay
Taped another episode of The Bullhorn on CNNMoney today, enjoy!
Bankruptcy as Economic Stimulus
With bankruptcy this lucrative, who needs solvency?
Blogging on the Shoulders of Giants
Why we blog about the great investors and trades of our time.
Hot Links: Calm Down
The hottest links for morning reading.
Oh No You Di-int! PutBack-Palooza Begins
This afternoon’s breaking news, linked up, just the way you like it. I’m reserving comment…for now.