Hot Links: A Plague of Pigs
Your morning links, people.
Olam with Your Daily Malthusian Affirmation
You guys know my long-term investment thesis on the Ag bull market (it will last decades) so I thought I’d share this little affirmation directly from the Horse’s Mouth…
Memo to WSJ DealJournal re: Facebook/Goldman
The real Facebook/Goldman unfairness concerns capital formation in 2011 and beyond
Guest Post: The Stock Rabbi on Not Being a Schmuck
A guest post from the Stock Rabbi on excessive and dangerous speculation.
Google on the VeriPhone: Whatever.
Verizon iPhone’s a “Google-Killer”? Not according to the market.
Bespoke's Earnings Season Map
Which days have the heaviest report volume?
Hot Links: Gandalf, Gold and Glocks
An amazing array of audacious articles, Audrey.
50 Cent's Investment Library
I’m very offended by all the smarmy and sarcastic commentary surrounding 50 Cent’s stock market tips this week. People are mocking his penny stock pump-and-dump and Facebook valuation thesis as though he has no business talking finance whatsoever.
Props to Todd Sullivan, Presenting at Harbor Investing Conference
This is seriously big stuff. Todd Sullivan, fund manager and fellow StockTwits blogger, will be presenting at the 2011 Harbor Investment Conference in NYC next month. Harbor hosts some of the biggest names in stockpicking and value-oriented investing in the game.