Which days have the heaviest report volume?
Joshua M Brown
Hot Links: Gandalf, Gold and Glocks
An amazing array of audacious articles, Audrey.
50 Cent's Investment Library
I’m very offended by all the smarmy and sarcastic commentary surrounding 50 Cent’s stock market tips this week. People are mocking his penny stock pump-and-dump and Facebook valuation thesis as though he has no business talking finance whatsoever.
Props to Todd Sullivan, Presenting at Harbor Investing Conference
This is seriously big stuff. Todd Sullivan, fund manager and fellow StockTwits blogger, will be presenting at the 2011 Harbor Investment Conference in NYC next month. Harbor hosts some of the biggest names in stockpicking and value-oriented investing in the game.
Limited Edition "Fear/Greed" Print from Carl Richards
A limited print run of a classic Wall Street piece of art now on sale.
Return of the Retail Trader
The anecdotes and empirical evidence are sloshing in over the transom. No one should be surprised to see the lunch-break traders and retail commandos coming back after a 22-month, almost interrupted stock rally.
Hussman: The Anti-Tepper Makes an Apology (kind of)
The market is not wrong, you are.
Oh Europe.
Link,s morning headlines, etc.
StockTwits Roast Teaser Trailer
I had met Allan only once prior to the event – I was really brought in as a ringer for the roasting itself (I did damage). Here’s a teaser for the video which I’m told will be out soon.
Guest Post: Charles Rotblut on the Facebook Mania
The latest Facebook offering shows just how willing some investors are to participate in the latest mania, even when another bubble burst not too long ago.