Miami’s “Bawse” MC Rick Ross may have gone a tad over the top for his 35th birthday party the other night…
Joshua M Brown
Hot Links: 100% Accuracy
Morning Links, enjoy kids!
Jason Zweig on Exchanges and Proximity
Co-location is only the latest version of exchange unfairness.
Congressional Ethics by David Burge
Smartphones Finally Eclipse PCs
Last quarter, smartphone sales eclipsed PC sales for the first time. The trend will not be reversing.
The New Index Machine
Think equal-weighted as opposed to cap weighted like traditional indexes.
…and the Bourses Go Wild!
A big merger in the marketplace names.
Barry Ritholtz: CEOs Are Lowballing
footnoted has the Hottest Hand (foot?)
footnoted put out a list of ten takeover targets for 2011 like 3 weeks ago and two of them (TWO!) have already been snapped up.
Hot Links: Setting 'Em Straight
Some great reads to start your day.