The best morning links this side of the Hudson.
Joshua M Brown
Media: Talking Oil, Gold, Silver and Google on CNNMoney
Welcome to the Hotel Silver Futures
There are “Hedge Fund Hotels” and then there is Silver, which is like the Vegas Strip for the 2-and-20 set right now…
The Economist on Those Drunken Russians
Media: Seguitissimo Blogger!
Yup, your boy Downtown Josh Brown is big in Italy as well.
Limit Down on the Farm
Trading is time frame, time frame is trading.
Hot Links: Loan Shark Maneuver
Morning links for traders, investors and their loved ones.
The King's Speech (or OMG did you hear this maniac?)
Gaddafi and the possibly that “his people” may deserve him after all.
Libya and the Oil Rally in Perspective
Nile is very focused on the North African region and they say that an oil panic based on Libya’s output is misplaced…
Icahn Puts Mentor Graphics in Play, 3 out of 10 for footnoted
Icahn’s gambit now forces any industry buyers (what we call “strategics”) to step up and do something.