Joshua M Brown

GOP ties noose around its own neck on climate change

It’s diabolical! America’s foremost climate ignoramus is going to take on a high-profile position and put his fellow deniers in the spotlight. The Dems couldn’t be more elated. via Politico: Jim Inhofe isn’t a scientist — and when it comes to climate change, he doesn’t give a damn. The longtime Oklahoma senator is the Hill’s most…

Chart o’ the Day: Here Comes the Seasonal Tailwind

The other day I covered this subject but I think it’s worth reprising – the best six months are now upon us and, unlike many other seasonals / cyclicals that are an exercise in intensive data-mining, this is a study that has an extraordinary amount of validity in my opinion. Ari Wald, ace technical analyst…

Professor Snowball: Passive Doesn’t Exist

Professor David Snowball of the Mutual Fund Observer is on my list of favorite people I haven’t met yet. His monthly MFO issues should be required reading for all serious professional investors and those interested in the latest developments within our business. Here’s November’s by the way. Anyway, the unflinchingly honest quote above is from my pal…

Stock Market Super Fans

I have a friend who grew up in Northern New Jersey – a few miles from the Meadowlands where both the Jets and Giants play – and he is a diehard Dallas Cowboys fan. How’d that happen? When he was a little boy, his mom put Cowboys sheets on his bed with a matching pillowcase, the…

Scrapbook: Downtown Josh Brown Does Berlin

I had a really amazing week in Berlin and learned so much about the way people are investing in Europe and how my colleagues overseas see the world right now. I also really enjoyed the chance to check out one of the most historic cities in Europe. Click on the first photo below and scroll…

Markets Will Favorite October NFP, Not Retweet It.

Solid October NFP today. New jobs at 214,000 was a slight miss vs consensus but the previous month was revised higher by 31,000. Of note is the fact that wage pressure is still nowhere to be seen, despite the fact that headline unemployment has now ticked down to 5.8%, the tightest the labor market has…

‘Hobbit 3’ Trailer Hits!

I liked the first two, but I get why some people didn’t. Maybe it’s because I took the kids and they were really into it… Anyway, the first trailer for this winter’s third and final edition hit the web today, check it out: