Joshua M Brown

Correlations Nosedive!

Nick Colas, chief market strategist at Convergex, on the “curse of the correlations” starting to wash away in the wake of the election – which is what active stock pickers and traders have been yearning for during the last 8 years or so:  We have tracked the “Curse of Correlation” on a monthly basis since…

My Podcast with Patrick O’ Shaughnessy

This is some of the most fun I’ve ever had doing an interview – my friend Patrick O’Shaughnessy, of O’Shaughnessy Asset Management, has a rockin’ new podcast with a dozen or so great interviews already live. I spoke with Patrick about my comic book origin story, my top 5 emcees alive or dead, my biggest…

Sugar Pills

I know I’m doing a lot of stuff about the alleged “Trump Rally” lately but I have good reasons: First of all, it’s the most dominant story in the market by far, now that the Fed is basically PGing a rate hike. And second, it’s absolutely absurd and people are running around acting like maniacs,…

Welcome to Trumptopia

RBC’s chief strategist Jonathan Golub is firmly in the “new paradigm” camp as a result of the Trump presidency. He sees the S&P 500 hitting 2500 by year-end 2017 on $128 in S&P 500 earnings with $140 possible in calendar 2018. That’s a 17.9 multiple on next year’s profits. Here’s his case, in a nutshell:…