Pure Comedy
Joshua M Brown
This Week on TRB
These were the most read posts on the site this week, in case you missed it:
American Gods
Google is doing the work that priests and rabbis used to do. It has answers. Curious children are learning to consult with Alexa and Siri in kindergarten.
Never give up on people.
Forty years.
That’s how long I had managed to go without losing my wallet.
Investors Underperforming Their Own Investments
There might always be a gap between the performance available and the performance an individual receives
Three Things That Will Never Change in Wealth Management
I think there are three big ideas in the wealth management industry that will never change.
Who are you competing with?
The most damaging mental state to get into.
50 Phrases to Run From
There’s a peculiar patois in which the financial charlatan speaks.
Chart o’ the Day: Internals Confirming Strength
You’re on your own now
consumers are being given the freedom to choose solutions that are marketed inappropriately and designed to transfer their wealth into the pockets of others.