If stocks get cut in half and the economy’s participants all decide to get “risk-off” in their posture and their allocation decisions, the coins are going down.
Joshua M Brown
Stock Market Update
Ten immediate Twitter fixes for Elon Musk
Ten immediate Twitter fixes for Elon Musk
Join me at the Vision conference this June!
this June 8th and 9th in Austin, Texas
Katy bar the door
If Apple and Microsoft can’t hold up, look out.
How to succeed
Congrats, kid. You did it.
Take that two and a half percent and run.
Is two and a half percent the best you could get for return of capital? Maybe not, but isn’t it good enough? Two years ago the going rate was about zero. On high six-figure or seven-figure money, this is a big difference.
Spam as a Service
As for the valuations being assigned to all these companies, and the expectations of their investors – I would be terrified.
The best news of all
Stocks are continuing higher on these new developments
Chasing the Bond King: LIVE event Monday!
Watch Mary Childs tell us about her new book, The Bond King, live and interactive!