Joshua M Brown

The Myth of the Moat

It’s not that The Moat doesn’t matter in stock selection, it’s that, like most analytic concepts, it doesn’t always matter.

"You Underestimate My Sneakiness"

Christmas F Words: Family, Friends, Fezziwig, Fireplace, Fa La La, Frosty the Snowman, etc. This year, we got two more: Fannie and Freddie, the GSE’s that caught an unlimited bailout surprise this Christmas while no one was looking (or approving).  Geithner has authorized the removal of the $400 billion cap in terms of Treasury support…

Punishing the Ant, Rewarding the Grasshopper

One of the more perverse features of the bailout/ rescue/ stimulus plan is the fact that ultra-low rates are doing a great deal of damage to senior citizens and those who have been saving responsibly and coninue to attempt to do so.