Joshua M Brown
Apple Praise Borders On Hyperbole
Every single living, breathing analyst on Wall Street (and some that are deceased) has come out with a bull call on Apple ($AAPL) this morning on the heels of the company’s blockbuster first quarter earnings announcement. In over a decade trading this market, I have never seen anything like this analyst lovefest. Never. Don’t believe…
A Major Contrarian Call for Natural Gas Prices
Compared to virtually all commodities of late, natural gas has been an absolute dog. Holders of a certain nat gas ETF have been forced to ask themselves whether or not a stock can trade in negative integers. The reason for nat gas’s lackluster price action? The conventional wisdom goes that because of our ability to horizontally…
Chuck Schumer, Scylla, Charybdis
One does not envy Democratic New York Senator Chuck Schumer these days. Against the backdrop of national outrage over the banking industry and a major party push to get a reform bill done, Schumer must now choose between the lifeblood of his state and the populist zeitgeist of his party. Schumer has been a friend…
Hot Links: Just To Get A Rep
Yes, yes y’all. Morning links.
R.I.P. Guru
One of the best to ever do it.
Interview with the Proverbial 'Greater Fool'
Yes, he is out there and ready to come in after you.
Hot Links: Morlocks, Earnings, Insider Buying, Corrections etc.
All the links fit to link to.
Saut Gets Off the Bull
One of the more notable proponents of this rally grows cautious.
Dan Dicker: GS Troubles May Slam Oil Prices
Fallout from the recent fraud charges could pop up somewhere very unexpected…