No beauty queens here.
Joshua M Brown
Financial Reform and Disturbing the River of Money
In the end, public angst is bad for business – for both Wall Street and Washington. Go ask Capone and Nitti.
Mish's 10 Ways To Create Jobs
Startups and small business need some love if we’re ever going to fix employment.
Similar Times at Ridgemont High
The last time finding and keeping jobs was this difficult for the mall set, it was 1982.
Hot Links: Humanity on Wall Street. Sure.
An impeccable set of links to collect and trade with friends.
Evening Hot Links: Monkey Terrorists
Some links from the weekend.
The New Buzz Word – Alternative Yield
Get acquainted with this term, it’s being talked of at all the most fashionable parties.
Saturday Night Video: Colin Quinn on Colonialism
Funny stuff.
2010: The Year That Everyone's Right
I find the ability of virtually everyone to claim (temporary) victory this year to be extraordinary. Consider the following:
yes, sometimes it is this simple
On happiness…