Joshua M Brown
Trade Gap Puts Market in a Crashtastic Mood
Not looking too good on the Trade Deficit report.
Hot Links: Radical Simplification
Some great links for your morning enjoyment.
What Do I Look Like?
Try this one out on yourself.
Punxsutawney Fed Keeps Rates So Low They Barely Cast a Shadow
6 more months of economic winter.
Have Some Data? (When Economists Tug on the Heartstrings)
No, state and local spending did not decrease and Reagan isn’t to blame for the Colorado Springs budget problem.
Leaders of the New School
Five newer blogs you should be reading if you’re not already.
Dynamic Hedge: Don't Believe the Hype
Remember the dreaded Death Cross! Ooooohhh, the Death Cross is gonna get ya! It knows when you’re sleeping!
Hot Links: Hail Mary Passes and the Bermuda Triangle
A gorgeous set of morning posts and articles. Just gorgeous.
Slapping the Responsible and the Elderly Right in the Face
What you need to know about old people is that they actually vote. A lot.