Maybe that gridlock celebration went a bit too far.
Joshua M Brown
The 600 Billion Dollar Non Event
QE2, whoop-de-doo.
Election Night LOL's
“I’m calling the California race early: Californians lose.” and other gems from my election night coverage.
Somewhere Charles Dow is Smiling
Are we about to get a Dow Theory buy signal?
Hot Links: Electile Dysfunction
Morning links, election-related and otherwise.
Financial Blog Wars
My annual guide to who’s who in the financial blogosphere, updated for 2010.
Hot Links & Some Election Day Thoughts
Some of my election day musings along with killer links to start your day.
Bank Spank!
Markets reversed lower today after ProPublica broke a potentially big story about JPMorgan’s Goldman-esque activities in the CDO business with a certain infamous hedge fund called Magnetar…
In the Anti-Stimulus Camp, Jeff Matthews is Head Counselor
A must-read letter that we can only hope makes its way to Washington.
2 Year Blogiversary, All Because of You
A letter to my readers.